Naked Age 3 Barbara Williamson

Naked Age – The Most Liberated Woman in America

In this episode of Naked Age we meet Barbara Williamson, a pioneering figure of the sexual revolution frequently referred to as “The Most Liberated Woman in America”.

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Naked Age is produced by Naturist Vintage

Episode CXXXVII (episode 3 of Naked Age)

2 thoughts on “Naked Age – The Most Liberated Woman in America”

  1. Hallo,
    I do not understand the podcasts. It is quickly for my slowly english. I´ m a german naturist and want to learn what over the content. There is a version of text?
    Best greetings
    Eckhard Arcypowski

    1. I am sorry that you do not understand the English of the podcast. But you probably understand more English than I do German. Unfortunately we do not have a transcript of the show. We have tried automated transcription but it makes too many errors. A transcription service done by people is much better but too expensive.

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