Moderating Social Media

Most naturists hate social media moderation because they have experience with their posts being censored or their account being suspended. Yet we also want moderation to remove offensive or harassing content. In this episode, we discuss the challenge of moderation with the team that manages the No Tan Lines Facebook group.

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Photo: The No Tan Lines (NTL) Facebook Group Page

Episode CXL

Censorship in Social Media

Naturists are constantly censored in social media. Naturism itself gets lumped in with pornography despite the fact that Naturists oppose it, fight for body acceptance, against hypersexualization, and are trying to stop the objectification of the naked form. Yet social media censorship is increasing. “Community Standards” are ethnocentric, vague, and inconsistently applied. There seems to be one set of rules for celebrities and big advertisers; another for Naturists. When rules are erroneously applied there is essentially no appeal process.

We interview a number of victims of social media censorship:

  • Amy, a mom who is not a naturist but still has had several pictures of her children deleted
  • Felicity and Jordan of Young Naturist America, who were one of the first naturist social media influencers and experienced incredible frustration as the constant nonsensical censorship.
  • Héctor Martínez, from Mexico, who promoted body acceptance had well over a million followers on YouTube. His entire account and all his work was deleted without notice.
  • Cleo, who runs Topless Topics, is a feminist who fights for equality. She discusses anything while topfree. While a man would have no problem, she has been censored, deleted, and banned so many times she can’t count it.
  • Nick and Lins of Naked Wanderings, who try to make a living as social media influencers in naturism. As Europeans (they’re from Belgium) they are dumbfounded by the puritanical rules and their income has been deeply affected by the censorship and bans. In 2019, their Instagram account was deleted without warning – they lost 50,000 followers!

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Photo: 2009 FQN-FCN Naturist Festival at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park

World Radio Day 2021 Official Soundtrack at the beginning of the episode: “New World, New Radio.” by Chapelier Fou.


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Standup Comedy Exposed

An interview with comedians who performed nude for the first time; plus Facebook censorship, Bare Oaks on Google Streetview, an open letter to an anonymous complainant, the problem with sarongs, and Felicity & Jordan from YNA speak about tolerance.

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Episode LIX
Image: Erica Stevens from Naked News at Yuk Yuks on Dec. 4, 2012 from